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I’m having problems, my IP isn’t hidden?
Firstly, check here to see if your IP is correct http://www.easy-hide-ip.com/whatsmyip , this will tell you where your IP is being reported. If its still showing your home IP then reinstall the application. This may simply resolve the problem on the spot. Please also ensure that you have cleared cookies and history from your browser.
Also ensure you close you browser down, and restart it, after changing your IP as some browsers continue to connect as it was (ie the server it was using) rather than change to the new one.
If this doesn’t work please log a ticket with us via our support and contact page, we always do our best to help.
Which protocol should I use and what’s the difference?
OpenVpn-TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
TCP is in general the most commonly used connection protocol on the internet as it offers error correction (and is therefore known as a ‘stateful protocol’). Whenever a computer sends a network packet using TCP, it waits for confirmation that the packet has arrived before resending the packet (if no confirmation is received), or sending the next packet (if confirmation is received).
How much TCP actually slows a connection down in practice can be very dependent on other network factors, with distance being the most important. The further away you are from your VPN server geographically, the further TCP packets have to travel to and fro, and therefore the slower your connection will be. If the server is relatively close-by, then you may not see much of a speed loss, while benefiting from a more reliable connection.
- Better Reliability – TCP VPN service offers more stable connections as the protocol guarantees delivery of packets.
- Bypass Firewalls – TCP VPN tunnels are rarely blocked since they run on common ports (80, 443). Usually TCP VPN tunnels can bypass even the most strict corporate firewalls.
- Slower Speed – TCP features higher encryption methods that tend to slow transfer rates a little. For higher transfer speeds with OpenVPN use UDP
OpenVPN-UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
UDP is referred to as a ‘stateless protocol’ as it performs no such error correction, simply receiving packets with no acknowledgements or retries. This makes it much faster, but less reliable.
In general UDP is better for media streaming, VoIP and playing games online.
- Faster Speed – UDP VPN service offers significantly greater speeds than TCP. For this reason it is the preferred protocol when streaming HD videos or downloading torrents/p2p.
- Preferred – UDP VPN tunnels are the preferred OpenVPN connection method if your network supports it.
- Lower Reliability – On rare occasions UDP can be less reliable that TCP VPN connections as UDP does not guarantee the delivery of packets.
This means there is ‘guaranteed delivery’ of all data, making the protocol very reliable, but there is a considerable overhead as packets are sent, confirmed, re-sent etc., making it quite slow.
PPTP VPN (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)
Usually has faster speeds that OpenVPN
PPTP VPN can be used on any device listed on the setup page http://www.easy-hide-ip.com/setupIphone, Ipod Touch, Android, and Windows Mobile are just a few of the devices that work natively with PPTP. It’s a very easy setup, just a Host Name, Login and Password in the network settings. With your PPTP settings you can use any computer around the world to connect, even computers in Internet Café’s.
Unfortunately when a PPTP connection has a problem communicating with the VPN server, it will drop the connection. This will expose your computer to the Internet off the VPN.
If you are in a restricted area where the ISP or Government has been known to block ports or protocols, and they block the fixed set ports that PPTP run on, then the VPN will be blocked
Classic uses Easy Hide’s proprietary protocol.
Classic can be used only on a Windows PC.
Classic offers more features like being able to choose which of your programs will be directed through our servers.
What do we recommend.
In general we would recomend OpenVPN-UDP
My Anti-virus / Anti-spyware detected Easy-Hide-IP as a trojan!
Easy-Hide-IP does not contain any viruses, trojans, spyware or adware. The majority of anti-virus programs don’t just look for specific known viruses, but look at what a program does and if it considers it to be suspicious. If so, it will highlight it as being a threat, even though the program may be perfecty legitimate.
In the case of Easy-Hide-IP Classic, to protect your identity and change your IP address we need to re-route your traffic through our private servers. To do this we set the proxy for Internet Explorer automatically. Some trojans also work in the same way but of course their intention is to cause damage your computer, this is why a few anti-virus programs detect Easy-Hide-IP as being a problem when it really is not.
Please take a look at the link below for a full set of anti-virus reports gathered by a third party (Download3k.com) which includes Bitdefender, NOD32, Avira and Kaspersky which all report Easy-Hide-IP as being clean.
Do you support email clients?
No. We cannot support the usage of email clients such as Microsoft Outlook due to the potential of spamming.
How often do you add new locations?
We periodically review our available servers, and add new servers. If you have a suggestion of a server location you would like to see, please tell us!
Can I help you test the software?
We sometimes ask users to test our new products in exchange for a free license. Ask us for more information!
There’s a feature I want in the software, how do I go about getting it?
Log a ticket with our support team, we’re always happy to listen to suggestions on improvements.
What is the difference between Classic and VPN protocols?
VPN protocol uses industry standard VPN protocol whereas Classic used Easy Hide’s proprietary protocol.
VPN is faster then Classic but Classic offers more features like being able to choose which of your programs will be directed through our servers.
Classic can be used only on a Windows PC.
VPN can be used on any device listed on the setup page http://www.easy-hide-ip.com/setup
Which protocol should I use and what’s the difference?
OpenVpn-TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
TCP is in general the most commonly used connection protocol on the internet as it offers error correction (and is therefore known as a ‘stateful protocol’). Whenever a computer sends a network packet using TCP, it waits for confirmation that the packet has arrived before resending the packet (if no confirmation is received), or sending the next packet (if confirmation is received).
How much TCP actually slows a connection down in practice can be very dependent on other network factors, with distance being the most important. The further away you are from your VPN server geographically, the further TCP packets have to travel to and fro, and therefore the slower your connection will be. If the server is relatively close-by, then you may not see much of a speed loss, while benefiting from a more reliable connection.
- Better Reliability – TCP VPN service offers more stable connections as the protocol guarantees delivery of packets.
- Bypass Firewalls – TCP VPN tunnels are rarely blocked since they run on common ports (80, 443). Usually TCP VPN tunnels can bypass even the most strict corporate firewalls.
- Slower Speed – TCP features higher encryption methods that tend to slow transfer rates a little. For higher transfer speeds with OpenVPN use UDP
OpenVPN-UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
UDP is referred to as a ‘stateless protocol’ as it performs no such error correction, simply receiving packets with no acknowledgements or retries. This makes it much faster, but less reliable.
In general UDP is better for media streaming, VoIP and playing games online.
- Faster Speed – UDP VPN service offers significantly greater speeds than TCP. For this reason it is the preferred protocol when streaming HD videos or downloading torrents/p2p.
- Preferred – UDP VPN tunnels are the preferred OpenVPN connection method if your network supports it.
- Lower Reliability – On rare occasions UDP can be less reliable that TCP VPN connections as UDP does not guarantee the delivery of packets.
This means there is ‘guaranteed delivery’ of all data, making the protocol very reliable, but there is a considerable overhead as packets are sent, confirmed, re-sent etc., making it quite slow.
PPTP VPN (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)
Usually has faster speeds that OpenVPN
PPTP VPN can be used on any device listed on the setup page http://www.easy-hide-ip.com/setupIphone, Ipod Touch, Android, and Windows Mobile are just a few of the devices that work natively with PPTP. It’s a very easy setup, just a Host Name, Login and Password in the network settings. With your PPTP settings you can use any computer around the world to connect, even computers in Internet Café’s.
Unfortunately when a PPTP connection has a problem communicating with the VPN server, it will drop the connection. This will expose your computer to the Internet off the VPN.
If you are in a restricted area where the ISP or Government has been known to block ports or protocols, and they block the fixed set ports that PPTP run on, then the VPN will be blocked
Classic uses Easy Hide’s proprietary protocol.
Classic can be used only on a Windows PC.
Classic offers more features like being able to choose which of your programs will be directed through our servers.
What do we recommend.
In general we would recomend OpenVPN-UDP
What is Easy-Hide-IP?
Easy-Hide-IP is a program that allow you to surf the Internet anonymously. It protects your identity and location. It allows you to change your location so you can access geographically restricted material and keep your browsing private. It also encrypts your connections, protecting you from potential attacks.
Why should I use Easy-Hide-IP?
Identity theft is one of the biggest non-violent threats to our personal safety, and can mean unlimited financial loss if your details get into the wrong hands. Those people who would steal your information can also view your on-line browsing, ie can see every page you have visited. Easy-Hide-IP products protect you from this by routing your browsing through our servers throughout the world ending in a location of your choice and encrypting the connection.
It is particularly important to connect via our VPN when you are away from home, say at an airport of hotel to ensure your connections is secure.
Can I use Easy-Hide-IP on more than one computer?
Each Easy-Hide-IP license is a single-machine license, but we allow you to use the license on one PC (or MAC) one laptop or tablet and one phone.
We offer extensive reductions for multiple purchases, and license add-ons to those who are current customers. Contact us for details.
What network speed can I expect to receive?
The current capability of the network is between 1 mb and 4 mb depending on the server you are connected to, the distance you are from the server, and the network quality between you and our network. The VPN protocol in Easy-Hide-IP gives higher speeds than the classic protocol.
Is there an Apple Mac version of Easy-Hide-IP?
Yes, we offer access to our servers to non-windows users via standard VPN configuration available in OSX, Android and others.
There are instructional videos here to show you how to set up Easy Hide on your device. http://www.easy-hide-ip.com/setup
Remember the downloadable program only works on a windows PC, to use Easy Hide on other systems you just need to sign up for an account, then when you receiver you license details via email follow the instructions on the video
If you have problems then contact our support team, who are only too happy to assist.
Is Easy-Hide-IP Encrypted?
Easy-Hide-IP provides enrypted connections using the blowfish algorythm to ensure that your internet traffic remains safe.
Can I use your VPN to watch online TV?
Yes, our software allows you to watch most online TV resources
What will my ISP see if I use your service?
Your ISP will see an encrypted connection to our service, they will have no record of any websites or services you visited while connected.
Can I choose whichever IP address I like?
You can choose any of the IP address we have available from the list on the front of the Program or they can be seen here for non-PC users http://www.easy-hide-ip.com/setup (after the video link buttons)
Is using a VPN perfectly legal?
Of course! You must however comply with the law when it comes to what you’re doing with it!
Do you retain logs?
We do retain logs for our own diagnostic purposes and in order to conform to the laws in the country our servers reside. We don’t reveal any information unless in connection with a legal/abuse inquiry, and comply with EU data protection regulations. Our T&C forbid any use of Easy-Hide for any illegal/abusive or generally unacceptable purpose.
Do you limit server switches?
No, bit if we suspect the VPN is being used for purposes other than that of general anonymous surfing, we may as covered on our T&C’s suspend the service and request you get in contact with us.
What happens if I use Easy-Hide-IP on more than one machine or give my key to someone else?
The license is your responsibility, so keep it safe. If we detect it being used from more than one place at the same time or from too many places within a 24 hour period, so many so it would be impossible even for a mobile machine to be in those places during a short space of time, we’ll disable your access to our network.
Can I pay via Bitcoin?
No, we do not accept bitcoin at this time but we are setting up a system to accept bitcoins and it should be available in the very near future.
I don’t have a PayPal account, can I still purchase a license?
Paypal will accept payment even if you don’t have an account but you weill need to have a Credit or Debit card. Follow the PayPal link on our payment page then click Continue where you see this text:
‘Don’t have a PayPal account? Use your credit card or bank account (where available). Continue’
If you still have problems with PayPal we also accept payments from Perfect Money:
I’ve paid but my license key has not arrived!
Your license keys is sent out automatically to your registered PayPal email address when you make a purchase. The emails are sometime detected as spam by some email clients so its also a good idea to check your spam folder as well.
If you still are not having any luck please send us an email at [email protected] or contact us using our contact page.
I paid with an eCheck, where is my license key?
eChecks take longer to process because the bank needs to send the money to PayPal via a wire transfer that can take a few days, this is a limitation of the banking system, not of PayPal. Please contact our support team and we will extend your demo license until the eCheck has cleared with PayPal.
How do I cancel my monthly subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your PayPal account and following these steps. Once cancelled you will no longer be billed for any more payments and you can continue using Easy-Hide-IP until your current payment period expires.
- Login to your PayPal account
- Click on the ‘Profile’ link below the tabs
- Click on ‘Recurring Payments’, this will display a list of active subscriptions
- Select Easy-Hide-IP from the list
- Press the ‘Cancel subscription’ link
If you have problems please contact us at [email protected] and we will assist you.
What are my payment options?
We accept payments from PayPal, Credit Cards via ShareIT or via Perfect Money.
‘Contact us if you require further details.
How do I pay with Perfect Money?
Here are the details you will need to make a payment with Perfect Money. Once the payment has been made please email us with your Perfect Money details including account number; date, transaction batch number and the exact amount paid and we will email you the license key directly.
Account: U5537844
Amount: $47.00 (12 months), or $27.00 (6 months) or $5.95 (monthly)There may be a short delay in receiving your key as we validate the payment with Perfect Money.
What is your refund policy?
For our Easy Hide IP Classic/VPN product we offer a 7 day refund policy.
The guarantee is only available on your initial purchase and not any subsequent purchases.
Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time.
Ready to Experience the Web's Best VPN?
Still having problems?
If you are still having problems with Easy-Hide-IP or you have a question you’d like to ask before purchasing you can use the contact page opposite and we will get back to you as soon as possible.